User configurations
Want some help with starting your configuration? Or maybe you're curious how others have done things? Take a look at these configuration examples below.
Most of those configurations are using a standalone build, however,
all of the nixvim options are accessible no matter how you are using it (flake, NixOS/HM module, nix-darwin...).
Config | Comment |
ahwxorg/nixvim-config | |
alisonjenkins/neovim-nix-flake | |
dc-tec/nixvim | NixVim config, inspired by some of the contributors in this list and LazyVIM |
elythh/nixvim | |
GaetanLepage/nix-config | Home-manager |
gwg313/nvim-nix | |
hbjydev/hvim | |
JMartJonesy/kickstart.nixvim | An implementation of kickstart.nvim using nixvim |
khaneliman/khanelivim | Constantly tweaked jack of all trades development focused configuration. |
MikaelFangel/nixvim-config | An easy-setup configuration for NixVim, focused on straightforward customization |
nicolas-goudry/nixvim-config | Heavily inspired by AstroNvim |
niksingh710/nvix | Ported from a lazy-based lua config. Contains examples of most use cases, including custom, nixpkgs, & nixvim plugins. |
pete3n/nixvim-flake | |
redyf/Neve | Meticulously crafted custom configuration for Nixvim |
siph/nixvim-flake | |
Tanish2002/neovim-config | |
traxys/Nixfiles | |
veeronniecaw/ronvim |
Share your config !
To add a configuration to this list, either:
- Edit this file and make a PR on the nixvim repo.
- Send a message to the matrix Documentation room